Dialogs, Layers Dialog [Re: Dia ChangeLog report for Mon Jul 7 07:23:02 2003 (UTC)]

+     * app/menus.c: Patch from Hubert Figuiere: Adds help menu to
+     diagram menus (since they're at the top by default now).  Also
+     move the Properties... menu item from Dialogs to Objects.  Dialogs
+     menu should disappear at some point.

I was thinking where the layers dialog should go and one of the things I
considered was having a top level Layers menu and menu items for things
like adding removing and moving up and down between layers.

The more I thought about it and the more I looked at other programs the
less of a good idea it seemed.

I have a feeling that needing to use Layers is wholly or at least in part
symptomatic of not doing grouping and object manipulation as well we could
do.  I dont see any other Vector graphics programs that have Layers, it
seems to be more a feature of Raster Graphics programs.

Could people who use Layers in Dialogs please let my know why?
Hopefully it will help me to figure out what problems there might be.


Alan Horkan.

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