Re: Electronics with DIA

Another question about trying to get it right =).
I'm using RedHat 8.0, and the text comes with wide gaps between
characters at some text sizes. This is a problem only with boxes
with text however.. At some text settings gaps ar wide, at others
the text leaves much empty space around it, and I can't get the
box as thin as I should =(

Now, what I originally meant, was an L-shaped line that would do the
adjustments needed at the corner. I can get the zigzagline look this
way with careful work, EXTRA careful if the line has an arrow at either

I don't see what's all careful about it.  With the mouse over one end,
delete a segment, and it's L-shaped.  Not as good as it happening
automagically, of course.

Well, it was careful before realizing the segment deletion trick ;-).
I suppose I was thinking that a line must be in its simplest form
after creation. Well, learning curve.. =)
It was awfully careful, trying to get the arrow horizontal, when
the last part of the line was vertical (and needed to be on lenght 0).

 -Jonni Lehtiranta

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