dia-0.91-pre4 installation problems and solutions


Just downloaded and installed dia-0.91-pre4.  Here is what I had to do
to make it.

1. tar -xjf dia-0.91-pre4.tar.bz2
2. mv dia-0.91-pre4 dia-0.91
3. edit dia-0.91/dia.spec, see diff output (old -> new):
< Requires: libxml >= 2.3.9 gtk2 pango >= 1.1.5 freetype >= 2.0.9
Requires: libxml2 >= 2.3.9 gtk2 pango >= 1.1.5 freetype >= 2.0.9
   so dia.spec wrongly requires libxml instead of libxml2
4. tar -cxf dia-0.91.tar.gz dia-0.91
5. su
6. rpmbuild -tb dia-0.91.tar.gz
7. rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/dia-0.91-pre4.i386.rpm
8. exit # out of su

I'll be glad if my experience helps anyone else.  And this little bug in
spec (libxml -> libxml2) got to be fixed.

All the best,

Yuri       mailto: yuri arapov sctest vrn ru

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