PATCH: Filled Dot and Triangle arrow (for message diagrammes)

On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 11:29:37AM -0600, Lars Clausen wrote:
Is the dot supposed to be as big as the arrow behind it?  It looks really
funny.  Also, you shouldn't put new arrows into the middle of the list, as
that will mess with the other arrows saved in diagrams.  We ought to go to

I just looked again: I already put the new arrow at the end
of the ArrowType enum in lib/arrow.h in the first place.  It 
is only not at the end of the menu menudesc arrow_types, but
by purpose.  The new arrow "fits" better behind the double
triangles.  So I send the original patch again.

Please apply!

W. Borgert <debacle debian org>

Attachment: arrow.patch
Description: Text document

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