Re: [PATCH] GNOME VFS support for dia (2)

On 2 Dec 2003, W. Michael Petullo wrote:
I just made another gnome-vfs patch, made against CVS as of Dec 2nd.
This one cleans things up a bit and adds gnome-vfs support to the
following plug-ins:

dxf, pstricks, xfig, hpgl, metapost, png and cgm

The following plug-ins have also been modified but need a little work:

wpg, shape, svg

The following plug-ins have not yet been modified:

ps, xslt and pixbuf

Again, I am trying to lay the infrastructure for allowing dia to tie
into the GNOME VFS model nicely.  I am interesed in getting command line
stuff working (ie: dia file:///tmp/Diagram1.dia) but other techinques
(double-clicking on VFS entities in nautilus, file open dialogs, DnD,
etc.) would be easy to add.

Of course, I am trying to do this all without affecting non-GNOME dia
builds.  I think the techniques I am using are pretty non-intrusive to
source code readability.

Yes, it's overall nicely encapsulated.  Nice to get some code in!  I do
have some questions, though:

dia_xml.c has a comment about compression not working yet.  Is that
something you expect to be able to fix, or is that a problem with GnomeVFS?

What does a Gnome-enabled version of Dia do if VFS doesn't work?  Shouldn't
it be able to fall back on normal IO?

Do the non-Gnome gz* functions behave as the normal functions on
non-compressed files?  In particular, does gzopen(file, "w") automatically

You seem to have missed an 'f' in diaOpen (diaFopen?).

And perhaps most importantly, not being a Gnome developer, I (and others)
would like to hear what using Gnome VFS adds to Dia?  It's a big patch,
after all.


Lars Clausen (| HÃrdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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