Re: Is there anyway to redefine keybinding in Dia?

On 29 Aug 2003, Peter Poulsen wrote:
Alan Horkan <horkana maths tcd ie> writes:

On 29 Aug 2003, Peter Poulsen wrote:

Date: 29 Aug 2003 21:23:37 +0200
From: Peter Poulsen <peter_poulsen stofanet dk>
Reply-To: dia-list gnome org
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Is there anyway to redefine keybinding in Dia?

Is there?

Yes :P

Nice, how?

PS. The method mentioned in the FAQ, doesn't seem to work.

As of GTK2, you have to enable it explicitly.  I guess it's considered
enough of a power user feature that it would confuse newbies.  Add


to your ~/.gtkrc-2.0


Lars Clausen (| HÃrdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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