Re: How many use the diagram tree?

On 8 Aug 2003, ashalper cox net wrote:

From: Lars Clausen <lrclause cs uiuc edu>
Date: 2003/08/08 Fri PM 01:11:20 EDT
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: How many use the diagram tree?

On 8 Aug 2003, ashalper cox net wrote:
While preparing to integrate the parenting code with the diagram tree
(making it an actually tree), I ran across a rather obvious bug in
using the diagram tree with groups and undo.  Curious that nobody has
mentioned this bug, I would like to hear how many actually use the
diagram tree in their work?  And if the diagram tree became more
tree-like (i.e. with groups and parents forming extra branches), would
more people use it?

I use it often on a huge UML diagram (~334 classes), mainly to navigate
to the class I need to work on.  Scrolling at anything smaller than
about 30% magnification takes too long.

Ok, that's good to know.  Would it help or hinder you if the groups
became tree-nodes with their contents as children?

At this point I don't use groups, I think mainly due to my own ignorance
(I just haven't thought of anything I could use them for yet).  If I did
use them, I don't think it would hinder me if they became tree-nodes.

I do find having all the object types (classes, associations,
generalizations, etc.) displayed in the same column rather annoying.  I
have thought about fancy ways to improve this, but I can never get past
the acyclic tree widget vs. cyclic diagram relationships problem.  At
least for the UML sheet, I guess I wouldn't complain if the object types
were grouped under tree-nodes.

I will desperately need UML views (The Unified Modeling Language User
Guide, p. 468) in the near future.  The diagram is already too complex to
view in its entirety (it is derived from a horrifying government legacy

I'm afraid I don't have that book.  Can you give some idea of what it is,
and how you could conceive of it being used in Dia?

If this is with 0.91, then most likely text rendering is to blame.
Especially when using AA, it has taken a performance hit,  I think there
are some caching opportunities we're missing so far.

I'm building from CVS on Debian unstable.  One thing I've noticed that
ERwin does is that it gives up on rendering text below a certain
magnification threshold because the text would not be legible anyway.  I
realize this may not be practical for Dia, but it's an idea.

That could be useful.

What is "AA"?



Lars Clausen (| HÃrdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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