Re: pdflib/pangopdf

Le Fri, Apr 11, 2003, à 01:04:45PM -0500, Lars Clausen a écrit:
If somebody wants to earn eternal fame in the Dia community and force the
release of a new version of Dia, here's the thing to do:  Add a (optional)
renderer to PDF using pdflib/pangopdf.  pdflib has a license that makes it
compatible with Dia (as far as I can read it, we may want to ask some Gnu
legalese person).  Pangopdf does Pango rendering onto PDF.  Whammo, instant
PDF with text rendered better than we'd ever have time to figure out.

Yep, absolutely seconded.

Besides, from what I've read, PangoPDF does *ALSO* Postscript output. I
don't know if it handles anything besides PDF, though, or if it just
piggybacks on Gnome-Print to handle that. And it's still unclear to me today
whether Gnome-Print is considered a "GNOME" or a "Gtk" library nowadays

        -- Cyrille


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