PROP_TYPE_LIST declaration

I was wondering if someone could help me out with a PROP_TYPE_LIST declaration (I couldn't find any examples 
in the CVS code).  I think I've got my PropDescription struct correct, but I need help on the offsets and the 
declaration in my object struct.  The PROP_TYPE_LIST macro in properties.h is:

#define PROP_TYPE_LIST "list"  /* ListProperty */
/* (offset is a GPtrArray of (const gchar *). offset2 is a gint, index of the 
   active item, -1 if none active.) */

My object struct looks something like:

typedef struct _Independent {
  Element element;

  GPtrArray *column_list;       /* the ListProperty? */

} Independent;

but I'm missing the index, and I'm not at all sure how to declare the PropOffset array correctly.


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