Re: 0.91w32 problem reading old files

On Wed, 02 Apr 2003, Ben Hetland wrote:

I just discovered that some of my old diagrams can no longer be opened
in the latest Dia 0.91 under W2k. I attach a copy of one such diagram if
someone has the time to investigate why.

When opening it, Dia first complains about character set missing
(assuming CP-1252), which is not so alarming since I really only have
plain ASCII in there, but then it just says that "error loading diagram
[...] Unknown file type".

FWIW, it loads with 0.91 under Linux.


Lars Clausen (| HÃrdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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