snap to grid and shapes

I mostly use xfig to draw different kinds of diagrams with digital gates, 
MOS-transistors and the like. Because of xfig's limitations I'd love to use 
dia, though.

I often use the snap to grid in order to easily make all wires be nice 
straight lines. But in dia this does not seem to work very well with shapes. 
If for instance I have a grid of 1.000 and snap to grid turned on and then 
use the NMOS transistor shape, lines that I connect to the connection points 
of the shape don't like to follow the grid lines. The shape definition for 
the NMOS is as follows:

    <point x="0" y="0"/>
    <point x="6" y="-4"/>
    <point x="6" y="4"/>
    <point x="5" y="0"/>

  <aspectratio type="fixed"/>

  <svg:svg width="3.0" height="3.0">
    <svg:line x1="0" y1="0" x2="3" y2="0" />
    <svg:line x1="3" y1="-3" x2="3" y2="3" />    
    <svg:polyline points="6,-4 6,-3 5,-3 5,3 6,3 6,4 " />

So everything is in nice integers. But in dia they don't match the grid lines!

I'm using a fresh dia cvs.

Best regards

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