Q:Dia XML-Language; Meaning of attributes for Dia UML objects


Is there any documentation of the XML attributes for the UML objects? For
example, a simple Class object does contain (among others) the following

    <object type="UML - Class" version="0" id="O0">
      <attribute name="obj_pos">
        <point val="3.5,5.5"/>
      <attribute name="obj_bb">
        <rectangle val="3.5,5.5;20.4624,8.95"/>
      <attribute name="elem_corner">
        <point val="3.5,5.5"/>
      <attribute name="elem_width">
        <real val="16.8624"/>
      <attribute name="elem_height">
        <real val="3.4"/>

I do not understand "obj_bb". Also, there seems to be redundant information,
i.e. "elem_width" should be calculated 20.4624-3.5 and the list goes on. The
Generalization object is even more difficult for me.

I have had a look on the code for Autodia (the template and the handler)
which gives me some ideas about the meaning of the attributes, but this is
cumbersome. Also, Dia just crashes if there is something wrong or
inconsistent in the XML file.

Isn't there any more complete description available? I am only interested in
the UML objects.

Thanks very much.


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