Adding shapes

I'm enjoying using Dia and if I can just add a few shapes for my work, it'll
be an invaluable tool but I'm having trouble adding shapes.

I'm working with Dia 0.9 on W2k and FIPA's AUML (as described in  I'd like to add some shapes to the
UML palette.  My first experiment was for the connector for the exclusive-or
of multiple possible messages.  It is a strong vertical line with a diamond
over its center and an 'x' in the diamond.  It looks something like this:

   / \
  / x \
  \   /
   \ /

Resizing this should never change the width, nor the aspect of the diamond
and x, but should only lengthen the vertical line.  My first cut at this

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<shape xmlns="";
  <name>AUML - exclusive OR</name>
  <description>Exclusive OR</description>
    <point x="0" y="3"/>
    <point x="0" y="2"/>
    <point x="-1" y="0"/>
    <point x="1" y="0"/>
    <point x="0" y="-2"/>
    <point x="0" y="-3"/>
  <svg:svg width="3.0" height="3.0">
    <svg:line style="stroke-width: 2" x1="0" y1="1" x2="0" y2="3"/>
    <svg:line style="stroke-width: 2" x1="0" y1="-1" x2="0" y2="-3"/>
      <svg:polygon style="stroke-width: 1  fill:background"
                   points="-1,0 0,1 1,0 0,-1"/>
      <svg:line style="stroke-width: .5"
                x1="-.25" y1=".25" x2=".25" y2="-.25"/>
      <svg:line style="stroke-width: .5"
                x1="-.25" y1="-.25" x2=".25" y2=".25"/>

But I have several problems.

First, when I have great difficulty getting this shape loaded into Dia.  The
documents suggest that just having this file in the right directory will
work but that has not been my experience.  I have developed a long, tedious
set of steps that involves removing the prior instance of my developing
shape, adding a new one, and restarting Dia.  (This is made extremely
painful by the slow, slow file browsing in the shape manager.)  So, what
_do_ I have to do to get Dia to see auml-xor.shape and load it?

Second, when I create one of these, it has the wrong size and aspect.  The
diamond is no a square rotated 45 degrees but rhombus.  How do I set the
size of shapes created from my own XML?

Finally, resizing this shape distorts the diamond further.  How can I limit
resizing to lengthening the vertical bar?

Thanks for any pointers.


Christopher Nelson                           GE Fanuc, Albany 
Chris Nelson GEFanuc com                         518.464.4992 

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