Re: Dia ChangeLog report for Wed Nov 20 08:23:01 2002 (UTC)

Le Wed, Nov 20, 2002, à 08:16:42AM -0600, Lars Clausen a écrit:

awww ! Mojibake !

I thought the ChangeLog was supposed to be in UTF-8, it certainly is in
some areas.  Could we settle on one single encoding for it?

Yes, I guess it should be UTF-8 all the way (the alternative being pure
ASCII, which I'm frankly tired of)

And what does mojibake mean?

Japanese for "ghost characters" or "disguised characters" (I guess with their
half-dozen incompatible encodings, they've grown quite accustomed to it...)

I guess the canonical example from an European point of view is CP437 text
seen in an ISO-8859-1-ish terminal (or the other way around, or CP850 text
in a CP437 terminal). Or now, the "double UTF-8ization" (ie, the output of 
  echo "salut, ça va ?" |iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 |iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8
) like we seem to have had in some fragments of the ChangeLog.

        -- Cyrille


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