Re: Bonobo support?

Le Wed, Nov 20, 2002, à 08:28:08AM +0200, Peter Hägg a écrit:

What's the status of Bonobo support in Dia? I'm asking this because I'm
trying to convince my client (A major telecoms equipment manufacturer)
that open source could be used in one of their projects and I would really
like to embed Dia into the GUI I'm designing for them.
This could be easily done using Bonobo, as far as I know. The problem is
that the Dia Bonobo component doesn't seem to work properly (I did
--enable-bonobo). Or is it just me? I've tried to compile v0.90 and the
CVS versions, without any luck.

Bonobo probably somewhat worked at one time (circa 0.86), but was never
maintained, and decayed. The gtk2.0 transition in CVS gave it another blow.
At this point it's a faint memory if anything else (for instance, I've never
ever ran it, for lack of a suitable container).

If you can gently point me at good documentation (such as "bonoboify your
application in 5 simple quick steps HOWTO"), and if that reveals a SHORT and
SIMPLE task, with real feature benefits, then bonobo-dia might raise from its ashes. 

        -- Cyrille


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