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Export the dia file into a WMF file (Export in computer parlance does not 
mean Rename, it really means Export. Open your eyes and the file menu at the 
same time). Then, import the resulting wmf file into Word (also save as dia 
format, because dia can't import WMF, and even if it could, it would have 
little relationship to the original). 

You can also try the same manoeuver with CGM, and see which gives the best 

The strangest thing is happaening I've exported the dia file as a .wmf file, it's sittinfg in a directory and 
 the directory I can see the .wmf extension and the thumbnail of the dia drawing so windows is recognising 
the dai drawing as a .wmf.
But, and here it is word stilll wont open it as a dia drawing just goble dee gook even exporting a dia file 
as png wont even open up in fire works and fireworks saves everything as .png also tried cgm. I can view both 
the cgm and wmf thumbnails in the directory but they just won't open in any program. any suggestions?

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