Re: putting drawings into ms word

On Thursday 02 May 2002 11:01 PDT, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:

Export the dia file into a WMF file (Export in computer
parlance does not mean Rename, it really means Export. Open
your eyes and the file menu at the same time). Then, import
the resulting wmf file into Word (also save as dia format,
because dia can't import WMF, and even if it could, it would
have little relationship to the original).

Err... I was about to answer him and launched Dia to check
my correctness. But I can't find a way to export WMF. There's
no WMF plugin (and all plugins are loaded, btw), there's
no WMF choice in the Export dialog box. I'm using a two-weeks
old Dia.

Perhaps everybody meant WPG?

adrienbeau yahoo com

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