Re: Win2K installer problem

On Monday 18 March 2002 12:43 am, you wrote:
When I install dia as Administrator under Win2K the installation program
asks me whether I want to add dia as a desktop icon and to the start menu.
The question should perhaps also have a checkbox asking whether this
should be done for the current user only or for all users, when
Administrator is doing the installation. If the desktop icon
and start menu folder is to be added to all user then the
destination should be C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ ...
rather than C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\...
This would be nice, I tried to implement this once, but had problems
to implement it with NSIS. If anybody has a solution, I would be happy
to incorporate it. (Hint: The problem was that the thing didn't work
for non-english OS'ses like Win German, there the location is
c:\dokumente und einstellungen\All Users\)


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