Re: gtk-2.0

Here's what I've been wanting to know: does GTK 2.0 yet include arbitrary scaling? IMO, dia really needs it.


Lars Clausen wrote:

So GTK-2.0 came out over the weekend[1].  I've spent some time today trying
to get Dia to compile with it.  There's a bunch of smaller things, but now
I'm hitting the big stuff.  Major changes would include using ATK instead
of XIM and changes to redrawing.  I'm currentl;y stuck at changing
GdkColorContexts into Gdk_RGB_* stuff.  My notes on changes are attached
The main question now is:  What do we do about Gtk 2.0 in Dia?  Do we make
a branch for the conversion?  Do we use a HAVE_GTK_2_0 macro (as I have
done so far)?  Do we ignore it till it stabilizes a bit?


[1] And they still didn't improve the file dialog.  *grumpf*

 Greg Trounson                          Programmer / Analyst
 Dept. of Maths and Stats,              University  of Otago
 PO. Box 56, Dunedin                    tel:    64-3-4797739
 New Zealand
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