Re: TrueType fonts + eps-export + Bug


first the bug: dia ends with a segmentation fault when I try to align
some objects. This is the CVS-source of the 09.03.02 compiled with
unicode and freetype enabled.

Is there a bug-tracking system for dia?

On Sun, Mar 10, 2002 at 02:45:58AM +0900, Akira TAGOH wrote:
On Fri, 8 Mar 2002 23:38:40 +0100,
"HbJ" == Haykel ben Jemia <haykel cs tu-berlin de> wrote:

HbJ> Hi,
HbJ> I have downloaded the sources of Dia from CVS and compiled it with
HbJ> unicode and freetype support successfully. Everything works fine but 2
HbJ> things:

HbJ> 1. When I start dia the following error is printed:

HbJ> Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkcontainer.c: line 713 (gtk_container_add): assertion `widget != NULL' failed.

HbJ> and a small window shows up, with the title "Loading", containing a
HbJ> small progress bar (I think) and the text "Dia v 0.89". This window
HbJ> stays on the screen until I close it from the titlebar-menu, after
HbJ> what the main window pops up.

Where do you install compiled CVS dia?
I think that dia maybe couldn't find
$datadir/dia/dia_logo.png (if you specify --prefix=/usr to
the configure script, it point /usr/share/dia/dia_logo.png).

This only happens when I start dia with ./app/ from the
source tree to test it, it went away after installation. But I would
suggest anyway to skip the splash screen if the logo is not found.

HbJ> 2. This one is more important: I can use TrueType fonts to draw my
HbJ> diagrams, but when I export them to "eps", ghostscript can't display
HbJ> the eps-files and stops with an error. Is this a dia or a ghostscript
HbJ> problem?

freetype support is not completely implemented. this problem
is not related to your environment ;)

For this one I followed the advice of Lars and converted the TrueType
fonts to Type1 and it works fine.

Akira TAGOH  : tagoh gnome gr jp  / Japan GNOME Users Group
at gclab org : tagoh gnome-db org / GNOME-DB Project
             : tagoh redhat com   / Red Hat, Inc.
             : tagoh debian org   / Debian Project
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      _/ Haykel Ben Jemia       _/
     _/ Haykel cs tu-berlin de _/

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