default font for FreeType


I propose here how to get a default font for FreeType.

TrueType font has CodePageRange on OS/2 table. if we can
have an exchange table between locale and CP, could we use
it as default font?
I think that it's useful for some languages which standard
PS fonts doesn't support.

1. we check it whether standard PS fonts support your locale
   or not. if it's supported, dia decide a default font.
2. if not so, then dia find the TrueType font. check it
   whether that font support your locale or not. if it's
   supported, make a list temporarily.
3. repeat 2 step until finish to find all of TTF.
4. if have a configuration file as .diarc (for example, can
   be written a font as gtkrc), find a font whether a list
   has the font name which is specified or not. if a list
   has it, decide a default font, if not, uses a first entry
   on a list as default font.

How do you think that?

Akira TAGOH  : tagoh gnome gr jp  / Japan GNOME Users Group
at gclab org : tagoh gnome-db org / GNOME-DB Project
             : tagoh redhat com   / Red Hat, Inc.
             : tagoh debian org   / Debian Project

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