Re: Is it possible to add water pumping wells diagrams to Dia?

Le Wed, Jun 12, 2002, à 12:38:08AM +0200, Cyrille Chepelov a écrit:
Le Tue, Jun 11, 2002, à 04:09:47PM -0500, Julio Sergio Santana a écrit:

programming. Is it possible to add a new set of symbols with this 
behaviour to
the current version of Dia? 

Sure. Dia is GPL. You'll want to search this list's archives (this month or
late May) to find Pierre Pronchery's document on plug-in writing. 

I had the time -- at long last ! -- yesterday (EDT) evening to finally
analyse Pierre's document. There are many good things in it; I've sent him a
long list of remarks (written in the most efficient encoding for the two of
us -- I didn't feel like reading in French and writing remarks in English,
context switches are too costly). One HUGE caveat, though, I will reflect
here: do *NOT* take the ER objects as models. In general, if the object 
you're looking at is making *any* XML or GTK calls, don't walk, run. Modern 
objects define a couple structures, and only do memory management, drawing, 
and movement/mouse hits. Persistence and properties are solely handled by 
dia's core.

        -- Cyrille


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