Re: 'Diagram tree' menu item in wrong place?

On 2002-07-22 at 02:28 +0100, Alan Horkan wrote:

this makes a lot of sense to me.
is there a bugzilla number related to it?

#88332. If you want to fix it, be my guest.

PS what is this address about submit bugs gnome org,
are you using bug buddy or something similar?

Yes, Bug Buddy. But I'm trying to wean myself off of it --- it
doesn't interact very well with the Gnome bug-tracking system
(BTS) --- some of the fields in the BTS aren't available in Bug
Buddy, and others get badly interpreted. I'll try to use the
web-based form in future.

For a much better example of how this stuff should work (IMHO),
see the Debian BTS/reportbug tool. But I guess we should stick
with the Gnome stuff now, especially since everything else in
Dia is Gnome-related.

Andrew Ferrier

email: andrew junk new-destiny co uk

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