Re: Patch to dynamically generate AUTHORS, modifications to HACKING

On 2002-07-11 at 08:58 -0500, Lars Clausen wrote:

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Andrew Ferrier wrote:
Enclosed is a patch which tidies up the output of --credits,
and dynamically creates AUTHORS. I've also taken the liberty of
making some changes to the HACKING file to bring it a bit

Could someone apply it please? I've made a few changes to the
root-level, so if whoever applies it could take a
quick look I'd appreciate it: I'm still learning about this
automake stuff and it's quite possible I haven't got it quite
right (not that it should break anything crucial).

Applied.  Looks fine to me, though we shall see how it does in make
distcheck later.

Drat. I forgot to say first time round, can AUTHORS be removed
from CVS please? There doesn't seem much point in keeping an
out-of-date version in there when it's now automatically
generated. Sorry to be a pest.


Andrew Ferrier

email: andrew junk new-destiny co uk

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