Re: Struggling with CVS version of dia

What is the current state of dia on Win32, BTW.  Is
there any person using it regularily?


I do.  It's very stable and, IMHO, a better tool for UML 
diagrams than ArgoUML at this time.  I just wish Cyrille 
et al would release a new version, so that dummies like 
me could use the new features in the CVS version (e.g., 
the diagram tree).  I use 0.89, which is not an official 
release but fixes many bugs and is more stable.  The 
link to its "hidden" web page is:

The Windows installer at 
makes installation a snap; the necessary libraries are 
included in the same package.  Unfortunately, it only 
supports the latest official release, 0.88.2.

If you compile a CVS version for Windows, I would 
appreciate if you placed it somewhere that I could 
download it from.

Rob Campbell
rob campbell att net

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