Re: Floor plans?

Dia is wrong application for that task. Use Cycas from

On Wed, 27 Feb 2002 15:16:39 +1300
Greg Trounson <gregt maths otago ac nz> wrote:


I have used the latest version of Dia to draw up a floorplan of an
existing split-level house.  

This was no easy task, as none of dia's built-in widgets have common
floorplan-style symbols such as walls, windows and doors.  I instead
resorted to a combination of lines, polygons and bezier curves.  It also
revealed (IMHO) a few shotcomings of dia, especially in the area of
scaling to arbitrary units.  I gave up on trying to make it to scale in
the end.

Is there any plan to incorporate a widget/shape/sheet (pardon my
terminology, I don't know what they're really called) with building plan
graphics?  I understand that making plug-in shapes and sheets in XML is
relatively easy.  Has anyone done this?

I recall visio having menus where you could insert benchtops, tables,
and "Room Measurement" widgets.

thank you,
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Ole-Johan Lauvås
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