Re: eureka!!!!

--- Hunter Peress <hu peress mail mcgill ca> wrote:
Dia over gimp. gimp over dia.

To start, simply make dia able to access one/many of the gimp's

Better integration to follow.

How? bonobo:

For now, it will have to be: use dia-> gimp, since dia is far less
complex. Eventually, gimp might support reverse bonoboing.

Please say you understand the magic. Dia is young, starting bonobo
is excellent! 
well, dia is youngish, yes.
it supports some very very basic bonobo, but not much.

Im emailing the gimp people shortly after we confer a
little here. we have the chance to make dia THE drawing sublayer to

Maybe we should really start with a list of interfaces and methods to
support in dia. We draw this out as a set of dia uml diagrams,
and generate the needed bonobo framework out of it?
Basic idea:
  -full bonobo support on dia end. 

yes, very good.
    - move the python scripting engine into a bonobo framework
    - move the dia object description layer into something more
gobject2 like.
    - be able to script the individual object in dia like lines,
objects and such.

  -access dia as a layer of a gimp image.

this is the gdk? right?

  -be able to use full gimp features on dia as if its an image.
yes, and that sounds really nice.

thing is that gimp is not using the bonobo or gobject right now either,
at least from the sources I saw in the summer, the use the funky 
python scripting layer

I'll help but I know nothing about bonobo currently. everyone should
to attract some bonobo knowledgable people.

well, I dont know much either, but willing to help-

James Michael DuPont

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