Re: [OT]: PS --> PDF converter

On lun, 2002-08-26 at 20:44, Tim Ellis wrote:
Personally I'd
suggest that if PDF output were to be added, that dia put it
through ps2pdf or something instead of doing it itself. Mind
you, I've never found any PS to PDF converter entirely

I guess I've found ImageMagick to be less than entirely satisfactory, too,
but it does a pretty good job. Only two issues I have:
If Dia were to attempt to incorporate an output-as-PDF function, looking
at the ImageMagick "convert" command might be a good place to start.

AFAIK, the ImageMagick support for PDF, PS and EPS is done thru
GhostScript. So why using ImageMagick convert instead of ps2pdf which is
a GhostScript utility ?

Job-less AbiWord hacker. -
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