Re: WIN32 compilation, UML Sequence Diagrams and Inheritance arrows and the spirit of GNU software.

Thanks for your tips. I will be trying *AGAIN* to compile from scratch.
And I am willing to put the work into it. 


PS: one likely outcome of deliberately pissing off people like you
just did 
is the removal of Win32 support, plain and simple.
I know I could have pissed people off, but it looks like we need to get
some movement here. 

My attempts at asking nicely have gotten no response, and
sometimes you just have to piss people off before they lift a finger.

On that note, the win32 is a popular platform. 
I cannot imagine that you would just drop it. 

PS2: an even better project would be to help out building the
and dia proper on the mingw32 platform. This would untie dia from
which would be a Good Thing(tm)
I am a advocate of the cygwin, and have seem many of these packages
running under cygwin. I have not tried mingwin. 

See this porting page :

If I can get this compilation going, then I will put alot more work
into DIA. I just need a place to get started. 

The problems that I was having are the with getting all the versions of
libs compiled that are needed. I will be trying again, and complaining
if needed.


James Michael DuPont

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