Re: lock unlock aspect ratio, rotation, the future? [was Re: Good job guys!!]

On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:

Dia can flip some shapes.  (Flip Horizontal, Flip Veritical, if i remember
from the object menu, middle click) I have thought about this only a
little and i have not looked at the code but a transform is a transform so
i suspect it would not be impossible to add rotate 90, 180 and 270.
Rotation by an arbitrary angle and Free rotation are an entirely nastier
problem.  Please stop me in my tracks if there is an error in my logic.
i should have limited my comments to shapes,
rotating text is not something i had considered.

sorry, my bad.

Obviosly rotation is a feature that people want.  Eventually would the
plan be to improve diacanvas or somehow replace it diacanvas2?
I know that font issues and GTK2 are the main goals for the forseeable
future but i would love to have even a vague idea of what the future plans
might be.
First, deliverying a GTK2 initial release that doesn't crash significantly
well if people provide win32 beta with debugging turned on ill do my best
to crash in as many ways as i possibly can.

There is so much i want to do on Dia but i need to get these f***ing exams
done and then sort myself out with a suitable Gnome developement setup.

worse than 0.90. One of the things needed is to finish porting the export
plug-ins (all of them) so they don't output invalid files (neanderthalian
file formats like CGM or TeX lack knowledge of Unicode, or advanced things
such as selecting the name of the desired font, they need some baby-sitting).

Then, there are several directions to go, all of which need to be eventually
done anyway:
      * HID compliance
i assume you mean Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) compliance

      * bringing back EPS support on Win32
      * getting rid of UML Class (not the object, but the property dialog
      * internally nicer EPS output (though visually, it's excellent
      compared to the limited font and character sets we had in 0.90)
      * rotations
/me must try harder not to seem like i am complaining

Dia is great, i would not be here if i did not care so much.

Alan Horkan

      -- Cyrille


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