Re: Dia website URL problem

"Ing. Rafael de Jesús Fernández M." wrote:
true, it should point to . Dia for RH 7.2 i386 can be
found at
This particular link is good, but the rpm dependencies are not. My old
dia-0.86-4 is what I had, and getting the one you show above (well, what
I found was actually through rpmfind, dia-0.88.1-ximian.4.src.rpm, and
--rebuild), and the rebuilt rpm for 0.88.1-ximian.4 refuses rpm -Uvh or
-Fvh claiming that 0.86 is newer than 0.88. So is ximian 0.88 actually
older than my old one labeled 0.86? I could always force it, but this is
usually frowned on.

D. Stimits, stimits idcomm com

(old, old link! snifff...)

On Fri, 2002-04-12 at 15:13, D. Stimits wrote:
    I was looking to update my Dia as an rpm under RH. Just wanted to report
    that the URL given is broken:

    D. Stimits, stimits idcomm com
    Dia-list mailing list
    Dia-list gnome org
Rafael Fernández M.::DMASC::IPICyT
rafael ipicyt edu mx ::

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