Re: more utf8 #ifdefs

Le ven, sep 14, 2001, à 07:40:01 +0200, Hans Breuer a écrit:
to fix some more issues related to utf8 (GTK_TALKS_UTF8_WE_DONT)
and our previously broken xml files (due to missing encoding)
I've produced the following patch.

to 'try to not silently change the logic, while avoiding crashes'
and because all those char conversion logic is a litte out of my
usual buisiness here are my suggested changes for review.

This looks excellent ! 
(I didn't have time to actually check, but this looks good indeed) 

Are the charset handling routines in glib new for 1.3 ?

Anyway, thanks _a lot_, and sorry for the nitpicking.

        -- Cyrille


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