ANNOUNCE: DiaCanvas2 0.3.0

Hello everybody,

It's time for something completely different... How about a new DiaCanvas2 release? Well, it's there: version 
0.3.0 has just been released.

Improvements over 0.2.0:
- Text support
- Clipping of shapes (make them partly visible)
- Nicer selection rectangle (for rubberband selection)
- Lines/text/images can all be rotated, stretched and sheared.
- The test application has a nice clock in it.
- Lines can be dashed now
- Added i18n support
- All object attribues are accessable via the GProperty interface (g_objectget/set())
- Better documentation

You need a working GNOME2 developemnt environment to compile DiaCanvas2.

You might want to giove it a try ;-).



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