Re: Dia + OO

At 09:34 02.11.01 -0800, Robert Campbell wrote:
I'm going to reply to my own post before it even shows up on the list.  I
just opened a MS Word document that contains embedded EPS with OpenOffice,
and the image was visible.  So the problem may be with the EPS output that
Dia is producing.  Maybe the library that Dia is using for this purpose has
an option for creating previews that could be turned on.  If not, the
interested party ought to put a request into that library's maintainers.

Dia is not using a library to produce the eps, but does it from scratch.
(app/render_eps.c). If I would have to implement a preview image for
the eps files I would probably try to delay it until Dia uses Gtk2,
because there are some nice functions to get on the bits of a drawable.
Producing the output would involve the Gdk Renderer already available
in the Dia sources.

Another workaround for the original problem may be to simply use
Dia's png exporter ...

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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