Re: Dia + OO

I'm going to reply to my own post before it even shows up on the list.  I just opened a MS Word document that 
contains embedded EPS with OpenOffice, and the image was visible.  So the problem may be with the EPS output 
that Dia is producing.  Maybe the library that Dia is using for this purpose has an option for creating 
previews that could be turned on.  If not, the interested party ought to put a request into that library's 

Rob Campbell
rob campbell visto com

-----Original Message-----
From:    Robert Campbell rob campbell visto com
Sent:    Fri, 02 Nov 2001 08:49:09 -0800
To:      dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Dia + OO

When creating an EPS file, you typically have the option of embedding a preview.  This preview is what a word 
processor or other program displays on the screen.  Even in MS Word, if the preview is not included in the 
EPS file, the image will not appear when the document is edited (presumably, it will print).  So it sounds as 

(1) Dia isn't including a preview in the EPS files that it creates.  It probably should if it isn't.
(2) OpenOffice isn't taking advantage of the preview, if it is there.  It should.
(3) Or both.

Rob Campbell
rob campbell att net

-----Original Message-----
From:    Sergey V. Udaltsov sergey oudaltsov clients ie
Sent:    01 Nov 2001 09:32:57 +0000
To:      dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Dia + OO

Hi Vlad

 OO allows to insert .eps files too (but it doesn't display them - it just
embeds the file when printing the document it's inserted in). Have you tried
Yes but I just did not know OO is able to print images which it is not
able to show. I lived in WYSIWYG world for too long. So when I see
nothing instead of my image I just think OO is not able to understand

 But IMO OO should implement support for importing of SVG ASAP - then
everything will be as user friendly as you wish.
I look forward to get the next version of OO for this...

Thanks for comments,


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