Re: Dia 0.88.1 bug in UML - Association

Gerhard Muntingh wrote:
Please CC me because I'm not subscribed to this list.

I think I found a bug, and it's a quite irritating one.

  Create an UML - Association and set the direction to 'A to B'.
      A little arrow pops up, just above the association.
      It's pointing to the right.
      Now when I drag the left connection-point to the right,
      past the right-connection-point, the little arrow keeps
      pointing to the left!  It should ofcourse have mirrored

I  (just a Dia user)  did what you propose  and verified that the
problem is present in my version of Dia (0.88.1). Don't know yet what
happens with "next version" of Dia. Il try as soon as I can

The problem lies a little deeper.  I came across it when parsing
a dia-file.  There was no way to find out which direction the
arrow was pointing.

I don't understand what you mean with this:  In the dia-file, I found
there is something like 

  dia:attribute name="direction"

and I beleive  it has value value 1 to indicate right and value 2 to
indicate left

email:  loli unsa edu ar
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