Chapin Charts (Was: XML Stuff in Sheet and Shape Definitions)

Hi, Jamin.

Well, if that's the case: The Decision is just a case of
Case-Distinction. A Multi-selection is the same as the Instruction,
but can have multipla cases plus maximal one default/else/false case -
This way, all you provide is the Case and the Else-Case-Symbol and a
possibility to attach them horizontal.
Case:           Else Case:
+---------+    +---------+
| ID  _,-'|<-->|`-._ Else|
|_,-'_____|    |____`-.__|
|Instruct.|    |Instruct.|
:         :    :         :
'         '<-->'         '
        Attach here!

I wanted Construct to build up on Chapin Charts and UML Classes and I
wanted to use Dia as Editor, because I like the file format and the
program. That's why i'm interested in Chapin Charts. I'm just going
one tep further and interpret the code within the Chapin charts.

UML has multiple texts, but interfaces them through the Properties
Dialog, I do not like the extensive use of such dialogs if avoidable.

cu Andre

PS.: If you could send me a tarball of your source, I'd be glad to
test it.
Tolerance rulez, everything else sux! -- Andre Kloss

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