Re: Shapes layout proposal, XML Schema

John/James L./Andre:

I like (and have argued for) the idea of a 'mini-DOM' API, based on a
subset of SVG, being used as the internal structure of these Ur-Shapes.
For the arbirary additional properties, we need a portable,
language-agnostic set of datatypes, which can come from XML Schemas.
Agreed. I have read some docs about them and I like XML Schema. The
only problem here is that we have no Schema-validating parser.

(Note: the types in the schema spec are acutally fairly close to those
in the Dia std. props library, with the exception of the UI elements, so
much of the code can probably be adapted from there and/or made to work
with std. props objects).
Can you give me a URL to the Schema specs? should do the trick, much resources linked from

Again I think we are getting ahead of ourselves with callbacks.
Yeah, let's first do the stuff we need to get the thigs on screen,
then we can do customization/specialization stuff.

I think the custom shape code should be used as a reference but
since we would be gutting the internals anyway, a new object
should be created from scratch possibly using some of the shape
code.  I would like to add it as a drawing primitive of dia-canvas
since that is where dia seems to be moving.
Agreed. I think us doing the coding from scratch is easier than
thinking into the custom shape code.

[no difference to the end user?]
The internals are going to be different to accommodate layout and
properties.  A mini-DOM interface will be added along with any classic
interface that needs to be present for dropin compatibility.  Hmm, I think
external .so's .dll's and python scripts would be a good thing.  In most
cases the behavior code would be specific to editing in Dia but one could
take a diagram, bind a new script to it and create a completely new
program.  For example a program that takes a circuit diagram written in Dia
and runs a simulation on it.  As for portability that would be up to the
author of the callback libraries.  Again that is all future work.
That's what I want to do with ConStruct. (
But I'll keep the interpreter outside of Dia. That's what I need the
parsing stuff for.

I don't think C++ will be the implementation language I just think James
needs to think in C++ terms to understand the problem at hand.  I will
convert that to UML and all will be right in the world.  I think using some
code from Gill and/or Sketch would be nice for the SVG parsing so that we
might be able to support most of SVG.  Like I have stated before I think
having the ability to use the full SVG spec allows people to import complex
objects when appropriate.  Right now we are going to stick with a subset for
simplicity but in the future...
I never balked at C++ being the language of choice. I am comfortable
with C, even if in an object-oriented manner of coding. As for using
more of the SVG specs, this is outside my bounds.

Lennon Day-Reynolds
cu Andre
Tolerance rulez, everything else sux! -- Andre Kloss

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