Re: dia2shape

Le dim, jun 17, 2001, à 10:41:24 +0000, James K. Lowden a écrit:

It seems to me it should be possible to use Dia to create Dia shapes.


Does anyone think this is infeasible?  Worthwhile?

infeasible, certainly not. In fact, dia already has a shape export plug-in,
which isn't bad for producing a "first shot" suitable for hand-tuning.
Worthwile ? Certainly !

I'm not sure having automatic editing of sheets saves more trouble than it
brings service -- I have no firm idea on that though. That could certainly make
sense in a "more power to the user" policy.

Having a connection point tool in the toolbox could be interesting -- in
fact, it should be trivial to do: an empty shape with a single connection
point (just one thing to do: check that the custom code doesn't break
because of the emptiness of such a shape). The shape export plug-in could be
tweaked to export only shape connection points (from the CP shape I just
described) if there are any CP shapes -- or work as it currently does if the
user didn't bring any CP shapes.

Hmmm, thinking again on it, it might be good to write the standalone CP as a
full-fledged object, just so that its colour could be different -- a shade
of red, for instance. This requires to check renderer->isinteractive in
the standalonecp_draw() method. (deriving from an element definitely sounds
like the better choice).

        -- Cyrille


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