Re: arc in shapes

Lars Clausen wrote:

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Elena Zotova wrote:

I am russian and speak English very bad. Excuse me, please.

I made a patch for dia-0.88.1. This patch allow use arc of circle and
arc of ellipse in shapes.
Are you interested it?

Possibly.  The current shapes format allows ellipses and arcs (like the
standard objects) in them, what's the difference between that and yours?

Here is an example ellipse and arc:
    <svg:ellipse style="stroke-width: 0.1; stroke: #000000" cx="8.45"
      cy="8.45" rx="3.2" ry="1.8"/>
    <svg:path style="stroke-width: 0.1; stroke: #000000" d="M
      8.35315,8.98804 A 1.84244,1.84244 0 0 1 8.37768,10.0654"/>

In first, in shapes for dia-0.88.1 simbol A in path ansupported. Excuse, if it
allow in more new version.
(Quotation from castom-shapes for dia-0.88.1:"The line, polyline, polygon, rect,
circle, ellipse, path and g elements are supported.  Note that the path element
only supports the M,m,L,l,H,h,V,v,C,c,S,s,Z and z commands.", and my attempt copy
this exaple call warning:"** WARNING **: unsupported path codde 'A' " and don't
show enithing in this shape).

Two, in this example IMHO too many parameters (IMHO 6 enough, against 7 in
example) and it use is slightly complication.

And will be good, if path allow build arc across three point, but it is only

I made arc as individual svg-node like circle or ellipse. And for more easy in
use separately for circle arc and ellipse arc.
<svg:carc cx="..." cy="..." r="..." a1="..." a2="..."/>
 This is a arc of circle with centre (cx,cy) and radius r from angle a1  to angle
a2. The angles are measured in degrees counter-clockwise.
<svg:earc cx="..." cy="..." r="..." a1="..." a2="..."/>
 This is a arc of ellipse with centre (cx,cy) and radius rx in the x direction
and ry in the y direction from angle a1 to angle a2. The angles are measured in
degrees counter-clockwise.

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