Re: [RFC] moving translations off sheets ?

On Sun, 10 Jun 2001, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:

Le dim, jun 10, 2001, à 10:40:23 +0800, James Henstridge a écrit:

I don't think it is as simple as a simple sed job.  The xml-i18n-tools
package needs knowledge of each format it supports.  It would not be
difficult to add support, but it has to be done.

It _is_. xml-i18n-tools works with XML files this way:
basically, you write your xml file as ; each element which will need
translation is tagged with an "underscore before the element" (will have to
dig the GNOME CVS to check where exactly the underscore is expected).

Okay.  So we would just have to change things like
  <description>blah blah blah</description>
  <_description>blah blah blah</_description>

xml-i18n-merge then removes the underscores and adds extra lines with the
correct xml:lang attribute.  We don't need to change the file extension --
the type of merge is based on the command line argument.

Then, you call an automake macro provided by that package, which extracts
the strings and feeds them to xgettext, and filters the underscores out from
the file into the (now generated) .xml file.

What we need is to duplicate the few lines in xml-i18n-tools.m4 which teach
automake how to make an .xml file out of an, so that it does the
same with .sheet ; we also need to extract the existing translations out of
out .sheet files, add underscores and rename these files to (my
tool is able to write crude snippets of .po files with the translations in
one language or another ; hopefully that won't be too painful to extract).

There should be no need to do any copy and paste -- when you call
xml-i18n-toolize, it copies all the necessary scripts into your build tree
(just like gettextize or libtoolize do).  So someone who has a tarball
will not need xml-i18n-tools installed -- just those building from cvs
(ie. developers).  It does add a perl dependency to the build though.

We could use xml-i18n-tools for dia.desktop, too. That wouldn't be bad.

yep.  May as well use it for that one as well.

However, there's a big issue with xml-i18n-tools (and, to a lesser extent,
with my solution as well): the win32 build process. With xml-i18n-tools, we
need something which runs on Win32 and converts files into .sheet

I would not be surprised if xml-i18n-merge works correctly under windows
as well (it is just a perl script).  If there are problems, I am sure they
will accept patches.

Note that xml-i18n-tools adds itself to the build process like libtool and
gettext do.  That means it is only required for people compiling from CVS
(and it only takes about 5 minutes or less to install).  Btw, if Debian
potato has gnome 1.4, then it already has packages using xml-i18n-tools.

No, it doesn't. But that's not a real problem, because potato doesn't have a
dia over 0.86 either. So if someone wants dia 0.92 on potato, she'll have to
compile a recent gtk and a recent gnome for potato as well. Fair enough, I

The big problem, OTOH, is having a rather hard dependency on a GNOME
component : that'll break builds for people who just want the GTK version
(including Win32). However, if converting from to .sheet is just a
matter of stripping the underscores off, then we might call sed to help to
make the xml-i18n-tools a soft build-dep, the way currently python is a soft
build-dep (ie, the build doesn't fail if python isn't here to build the

xml-i18n-tools isn't really a dependency on a gnome component.  It isn't
dragging anything requirements into the build process other than perl.  If
that is a problem, I am sure we can set up the makefiles to include the
merged sheet files in the tarball if this build requirement is a problem.


Email: james daa com au

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