Shapes, resizable or not?

I recently upgraded to Dia v0.88.1.  I now seem to be having some difficulty
with the Chapin shapes that I've been creating.  I don't recall having this
problem under v0.86 with relatively the same (changed SVG namespace as
suggested) shape definitions.  I'm fairly certain that I was able to
arbitrally change the size of my shapes under v0.86 so long as the shape was
large enough to fit the text.  However, now with v0.88.1 I find that I can
no longer adjust the size of my shapes except by adjusting the length of the
text string displayed in the shape.  I found a reference to something of
this nature in the FAQ regarding the resizing of classes. 

Any ideas on how I could correct this?  Is it something that I've overlooked
in my shape definition?

Jamin W. Collins

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