[RFE] export w/o display

Using any version of dia I've ever seen, including 0.88.1, I note that
the export command, as in

  dia --export=figures/system-arch.png figures/system-arch.dia

requires the use of of an X11 display.

Is there any possibility of removing this requirement?  I produce
documentation from CVS, updated and built nightly from cron, and find
the idea of putting the converted file (here 'system-arch.png') in CVS
to workaround this problem somewhat distasteful.

Anyhow, the real reason for fixing this is that currently dia is not
really suitable for use in an automated context, and I think that may
convince some people not to use dia, and that would be a shame.

Please CC me on any replies, I'm not on this list.

.....Adam Di Carlo    adam onshore com     <URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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