UrShape: Definition by controversy

Hi again.

I'm running out of time as well as motivation and, worst of all,
ideas. Ok, let's see, what we have now:

I need some Callback that a dragged UrShape can perform in order to
interact somehow with the UrContainer. The source for the UrShape
side of this functionality should read like this:

if (IS_IN(myself, container->bounding_box) && !isOver) {
  isOver = TRUE; /* Perform this once */
  container->behaviour->isOver(container, myself); /* interact */

Same goes for isOut and isDropped. I'm not sure yet if the select
callback belongs to the container or the UrShape, but well, here we
are - for now.

I still have no clue about the "normal" UrContainer Behaviour. If
someone could enlighten this to me, I would be able to think further
in that direction.

cu Andre


/* urshape.h : defining the generic UrShape */
#ifndef URSHAPE_H
#define URSHAPE_H

#include "element.h"
/* What else has to be included? */

typedef enum _UrContainerType UrContainerType;
typedef struct _UrContainerBehaviour UrContainerBehaviour;
typedef struct _UrContainer UrContainer;
typedef struct _UrShape UrShape;

enum _UrContainerType {

struct _UrContainerBehaviour {
  void (isOver)(UrContainer *myself, UrShape *other);
  void (isOut)(UrContainer *myself, UrShape *other);
  void (isDropped)(UrContainer *myself, UrShape *other);
  void (select)(UrContainer *myself);

struct _UrContainer {
  UrContainerType type; /* Is it a Simple-/Array- or
                           Table-Container? */
  UrContainerBehaviour behaviour; /* To discriminate behaviour */

  /* (Dynamic) geometry stuff */
  Rectangle *bounding_box;
  GList *rows;          /* The left border of rows */
  GList *columns;       /* The upper border of columns */

struct _UrShape {
  Element element;      /* Inheritance (C sometimes sucks ;) */

  /* UrShape container stuff */
  UrContainer *embedding; /* NULL if free, 
                             "parent's" container else */
  int row,column; /* For all but SINGLE, it'll be nice to know in what
                     row/column the UrShape is embedded. */
  GList *childrenContainers; /* The containers I have */

  /* The miniDOM. Thanx to Cyrille, now it _is_ mini. */
  UrShape *parent_shape;
  GList *self; /* this->self->data == this */
  GList *children; /* (this->children->data->parent_shape == this ||
                       this->children == NULL) */


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