Re: RE: Better with units

Reading the replies I realize that there are many important things and
possiblities about units.  

I have not thought the user being able to choose  units   to express his or her wishes, but just to be 
informed about the ones in effect. (

Well, in fact right now, while choosing margins for the printed diagram   Dia allows the user to write for 
example 30 mm and then Dia rewrites 3.0 cm; Dia recognizes the words m,cm,mm,in,ft...

Knowing that next or new window size is expressed in pixels ---  and I think many people knows about pixels 
---  I can, confidently, to change the numbers for that size and get, just from the beggining, an appropiate 
size for my work in my terminal. 

A very good alternative to adding information about units near the numbers, or in general, to crowding the 
dialog boxes with visible information about each menu item,could be to have a "help button" on each dialog 
box to provide a general explanation about that dialog box.  

Perhaps it woud also be nice to be able, after "manualy" changing  
the windows size, to "tell Dia" allways begin with that size witout writing any number at all...

Once more, thank you all. 

email:  loli unsa edu ar
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