Question on how to add or update symbol in distribution


I've been lurking on the mailing list for a bit and haven't seen this question yet so I'll step out of the 
shadows and go ahead and ask it...

What's the best way to add or update a dia symbol thats part of the dia distribution? 

I'd like to submit some generic network symbols* but I'm not sure who I should contact or work with. (I don't 
have a gnome CVS account or anything but I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves)

I figure the last person to touch the symbol in CVS would be a good start but I figured I'd pose the question 
to the list.


* Three symbols to be exact all more-or-less in the
  style of those found in Cisco documentation:
  -a 'hockey puck' router
  -a 'thick X with arrow heads' switch
  -an 'Eight arrows of a compass' multi-layer switch

Patrick Key 
pkey altavista com
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