introduction to 1%CLUB


I'd like to introduce this list to the 1%CLUB, my current employer.
1%CLUB it's a Dutch organization that helps people crowdfund donations
and crowdsource tasks and expertise to help projects with a social
impact in developing countries.

The 1%CLUB is always looking for innovative projects to facilitate. An
example of a project that might be interesting to people on this list
is DataZone, a project to help give students at the University of Buea
in Cameroon access to Open Access journals

It would be really nice to see more technical projects on the 1%CLUB
and even better if there were some projects involving free and open
source software and / or the GNOME community.

There are some conditions for creating a project with 1%CLUB but these
conditions should not be seen as hard-and-fast rules. The project team
at 1%CLUB is currently exploring some ways to relax the conditions to
allow participation from a more diverse set of projects and they're
more than willing to talk to people with ideas to help find something
that fits. The conditions for projects can be found on the project
creation page:

If you're unsure if you're idea fits into the 1%CLUB, you can ask
questions directly to the project team by sending an email to
project onepercentclub com 

I'm looking forward hearing people's thoughts and hopefully some ideas
ideas for projects.

Thanks, Ben

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