GNOME 3.38 release schedule


The release schedule for GNOME 3.38 is now available:

As during the last cycle:

* Tarballs are due on Saturday (not Monday anymore)
* Stable and unstable tarballs due on the same day
* Stable maintenance releases over a longer period
* Releases are published when ready (not necessarily on Wednesday)

New this cycle is the oldstable release series. We're going to keep doing more GNOME 3.34 releases until feature freeze. Of course, please don't make new stable releases just because there's a release on the calendar; to avoid update churn, please only make a new release if you have bugfixes that you want to release to users. In particular, GNOME 3.34 had a translation deadline last September, and GNOME 3.36 had a translation deadline last month, so there is no need to release new stable tarballs solely due to updated translations.

My plan to push the 3.38.0 release date back to the end of September was foiled by Ubuntu and Fedora release schedules. The finalized date is September 12 (matching last year's schedule); this is as far as we can go without causing problems for these major distros.

There is an ICS file available for your calendar at
webcal:// We are currently trying to make it work in GNOME Calendar. :) It's also linked from


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