DNS Outage --- While upgrading the l10n.gnome.org machine, I hit a few issues while upgrading the bind9 package that was failing to restart for an openssl error. (which seems to be known, [1]) The same machine hosted our secondary DNS server but that wasn't a problem since our main host (clipboard) was actually up and running. Suddenly all the DNS zones got dropped and all GNOME services were actually unreachable. After a wider look at the Whois informations, we actually found out our old main DNS server (menubar) was still being listed as a nameserver, but no DNS services were hosted there anymore. (so 0 out of 2 DNS services were active) We finally updated the zones information on menubar and restarted the DNS service while we actually wait the relevant folks to update Whois details with our new main DNS host. Postfix Outage --- As you may have noticed all the @gnome.org mails weren't being delivered correctly (bugzilla, mailing lists, personal aliases etc.). For some reason Amavisd was requesting Postix's data not through the usual localhost address ( but using its public IP instead. (that will obviously fail since access is restricted to localhost only) After looking at the logs et all I found out telnet wasn't working correctly when trying to connect to the Amavisd port on localhost. Adding a new Iptables rule fixed the problem, the queue is currently flushing so expect to receive a good bunch of GNOME mails in the near future. Thanks for your patience and understanding, [1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=668952 -- Cheers, Andrea Debian Developer, Fedora / EPEL packager, GNOME Sysadmin, GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman Homepage: http://people.gnome.org/~av
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