API/ABI Freeze for 2.29 starting Monday January 18th, 23:59 UTC


very soon API/ABI Freeze for GNOME 2.29 will start. After this, no API
or ABI changes should be made in the platform libraries. For instance,
no new functions, no changed function signatures or struct fields.  This
provides a stable development platform for the rest of the schedule.
There should usually be a "Slushy" API/ABI Freeze before the Hard
API/ABI Freeze, to encourage developers to think about API problems
while they have a chance to correct them.  API freeze is not required
for non-platform libraries, but is recommended.

For more information about 2.29, the full schedule, the official
module lists and the proposed module lists, please see our colorful 2.29

For a quick overview of the GNOME schedule, please see:

the Release Team
 mailto:ak-47 gmx net | failed
 http://www.iomc.de/  | http://blogs.gnome.org/aklapper

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